Digital X-ray

NHS Diagnostics 

Modern technologies are employed in many state-of-the-art digital x-ray services offered within the NHS Diagnostics to avail a wide spectrum of diagnostic imagining with great precision. Our advanced Digital Radiography provides quality images to ensure the finest diagnosis and outlining of a condition for treatment.

Facilities starting with but not restricted to the listed imaging services which comprise of following x-rays: Fluoroscopy, HSG, IVP, MCUG /Urethrogram, Sinogram, Fistulogram, Loopogram, Ductogram, Sialogram, Choanogram, Dacryocystogram, and both Upper and lower GIT Barium studies. Fluoroscopy allows real-time imaging in dynamic studies, whereas other specialized techniques like HSG outline the cavity of the uterus and the patent fallopian tubes. The urinary system is visualized with IVP, and for the urethra and assessment of the bladder, MCUG/ Urethrogram techniques are employed.

There are many selective techniques for acquiring detailed diagnostic knowledge, targeting structures such as a sinogram for the sinus, Fistulogram for a fistula, Loopogram of a colonic loop, and Ductogram of a duct, salivary duct sialography, Choanogram, or Dacrocystogram, among others. Barium Studies, are used to delineate the upper GI tract and the lower GI tract, respectively.

Diagnostic Services Offered

At NHS Diagnostics, our mission is to integrate advancements in medical technologies to ensure the best possible, reliable results, and precise information, empowering primary care physicians to deliver a positive patient experience. Committed to understanding and professional accuracy, we dedicate ourselves to providing an affordable diagnostic facility, reaching out to every person in Pakistan.

At NHS Diagnostics, we envision becoming the trusted leader in diagnostic services, setting the highest standards for technically accurate, patient-centered care. Creating a conducive environment for our healthcare team, we aim to positively impact the health and well-being of the people of Pakistan. Our commitment extends beyond diagnostics, ensuring a healthier future for our community.